Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 7 Quiz

My last experience with theater was a few years back when I went with my family to see the performance "The Nutcracker". It has been a while since my last experience with theater. I wnjoyed my last experience with theater and would like to see a more modern display sometime soon.

I have heard about Rent from many people, and I would love to see it performed live. I want to see the live performance before I see the movie. In fact, my best friend and I have talked about going on a road trip to see the live performance of Rent!

Theater allows you to step out of your own skin and experience life from another point of view.

I believe that theater can change society and political views because they allow people to see things from an angle that they otherwise would not be able to experience. For example, West Side Story brought attention to gang violence and therefore made the public aware of problems in our society that otherwise may have gone unnoticed.

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