Thursday, October 18, 2007

Midterm Part 3: Line, Shape, Space and Color

I created this piece of art to demonstrate my knowledge of color, lines, space and shape. I was brainstorming on how I could create such a picture when I stumbled upon my mother's pastels. It was then I decided to paint this picture!

This picture contains three squares alligned in a horizontal line. Within the squares are hearts. These squares exemplify positive space. The space between the squares exemplifies negative space. To me, this piece of art demonstrates closed space, leaving the focus on the center of the art. Also, when I created this piece of art I shaded the insides of the squares with diagonal lines. The squares in this picutre are parallel to one another.

This picture also demonstrates my knowledge of colors. The row of hearts within the squares are analogous colors, whereas the squares that enclose them are their complimentary colors.

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