Monday, September 24, 2007

Quiz Answers

Where is Stonehenge? When was it built? What is its function?

Stonehenge is located at Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It was built sometime between 2750 -1500 B.C. and has a significant connection with the religious practices of the Druids.

Who was Dionysus?

He was the god of wine and protector of fertility and vegetation.

What was the cultural and architectural significance of the coliseum?

The coliseum was the largest structure of its type for the time holding up to 50, 000 people. Professional gladiators fought until their death providing entertainment and practice for times of war, making the Romans a vicious battle force.

Middle Age
What are polytheism and monotheism?

Polytheism is worshiping more than one god, and monotheism is worshiping only one god.


Name 1 work of three different artists from this period.

Raphael – Disputa (Dispute over the Sacrament)

Michelangelo- Pieta

Leonardo da Vinci- The Last Supper

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