Monday, December 10, 2007

Art Experience #10: Beautiful Song

Amos Lee is a wonderful singer/songwriter who i discovered about a year ago, however his song 'Colors' still gives me chill bumps today. This is a beautiful song about how his world is not the same without a loved one around. When I saw him live in concert sometime last year, when he let out the first note of this song the crowd went "ahhhhhhhh"- literally. It was a beautiful concert and this man is my favorite artist. Please view the video I have posted on the sidebar. If you like it, buy his CD! You can't go wrong with Amos Lee!!

Art Experience 9: Nativity Scene

I love this stained glass version of the nativity scene because it reminds me of something I would see in church. Growing up in a Catholic family, and going to church each week it is amazing how every Catholic church feels like home, even though you are miles and miles from home. It is the consistency of traditional art such as this that always makes me feel home... Not to be politically incorrect, but for us, Christ has always been the reason for the season! Happy Holidays... Merry Christmas! Please see the beautiful stained glass nativity scene in the sidebar!

Art Experience #8: Christmas Interpretation

Shown on the sidebar is a video of Dave Matthew's interpretation of Christmas. I love this song because it is beautiful and it puts the story of Christmas and Jesus' life into perspective of an everyday person. The song is unlike any other song I have ever heard and is my favorite this time of year. Everyone should really listen to this song at least once! So here it is!

Art Experience #7: Holiday Art!

This is the first year I have lived in my own apartment for the holidays and I have learned that there is much art involved in holiday decorating. This year I chose to wrap presents with brown paper and contrast with beautiful bows! I think each bow adds a bit of character to the presents. I am also going to add to each present an ornament that matches! I love the art of the holidays. Pictured above is my tree and many of the presents I have wrapped! The picture doesn't do the tree justice.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Art Experience #6: Architecture Project

I chose the East Huntington Bridge as art experience number six. This bridge can best be seen from room 5171 of St. Mary's hospital in Huntington, West Virginia. This is currently my place of work and was one of my first clinical experiences as a student nurse. This bridge is a beautiful piece of art, especially as the sun rises and sets. I remember as a student gazing out the window at the bridge's beauty, and I still catch myself staring out the window at work as the sun sets over the river. Bridges are beautiful works of art. Also, it is amazing to imagine how bridges are built. The sight of the east Huntington Bridge will always remind me of St. Mary's and my wonderful times there.

Art Experience #5: Attend Dance Performance

For this art experience, I attended my own dance performance of vinyasa flow yoga. I purchased a new yoga DVD by Seane Corne and attempted a new style of yoga. Yoga is a beautiful, fragile work of art that connects the body, mind and soul. The vinyasa practice is structured around the breath. There is a sequence to be followed as you trasition through the stages of yoga. Each session you become more at peace and more confident in 'the dance'. If you have never tried yoga, give it a few shots! You won't regret it! Please view Seane Corne's take on flow yoga!

Art Experience #4: Garden State

Garden State is a low-budget film starring Zach Braff and Natalie Portman. I consider this an artistic film because is uses very unique music and ideas to deliver very important messages. This film provokes 'deep thoughts' about growing up and becoming who you want to be despite anything in your childhood that may be holding you back. My favorite line from this movie sums up the idea of the film.
"Maybe that's all family really is...a group of people that miss the same imaginary place."
Please watch the trailer I have posted on the side of my blog! It's a great flick!